Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sorry For The Wait- The Testimony

Return of The Fake Blogger

Hey guys! Long time, no blog lol. Some things have changed but for the most part I've been up to the same thing..."all my life I had to detangle." The reason I decided to relaunch the blog is because I have finally found the products that compliment the process. If you all have been following me on IG, you'll know that I am a self proclaimed "anti-product junkie" so the fact that I'm now sharing these products should let you know just how much I like them, but first let me rewind a bit.

At the beginning of 2015, I was quite frustrated with the state of the natural hair community. I felt like it was turning into one big business opportunity for people who didn't really care about the consumer, just the money they would make. Listen, I NEVER want to be that person. If I put my or my daughters name on something then I stand behind it 100%!  I told myself "I want to partner with a small business, someone who  cares and makes quality products with quality ingredients. Now I don't know the way y'all faith is set up, but lo and behold God sent a woman my way who had a company with exactly those things. This wasn't just a "use my products and tell people you do" type relationship. I was able to give feedback on how I used the products, how they worked on her hair, and different things to do that could improve the overall line.

Fast forward; I was using the products exclusively on Amayas hair with great results. I documented on IG as well as some of my older blog posts what and how I was using on the products. I was more than happy to finally find one line that did everything I needed. Then news came that the company needed a new mixologist. Some products were unavailable while this transition happened and to my disappointment I had to go back to using other things. During this time I was approached my several companies about review their products and becoming a brand rep. After trying out quite a few things I just wasn't sold on being "the face" of any of those products.

By this time I had stopped making blog posts and was mainly just posting  pics on IG. I shy'd away from what I knew best which was educating others on how to have healthy hair. I was starting to feel like my message of "Teach Your Daughters" was getting lost and all people wanted to know was how did it get long and what did I use to get it to grow #sideye lol. I had all but given up on the search for that "one line" that I could use...#ButGod.

Ok, ok I'm getting to the point lol. I hadn't been keeping up with the company I was using, but I did see that she had worked out the mixologist issue. I was happy for her, but didn't think I was still on her radar because quite some time had passed and the products had become more popular. One day I received a comment saying "You're new package is on the way" or something like that lol. Now in the land of Instagram people can make all type of promises that never happen so I didn't know if she was serious or not and I let it slip to the back of my mind. One Saturday about a month or so ago, much to my surprise and delight I received the package that she had promised. I was super excited to see what changes were made and if everything still worked for Amayas hair. After an impromptu wash day, I WAS SOLD! I wont go into product details on this post but just know I was pleased enough that I reached out to them and ASKED to be brand rep. I'm so excited to finally be able to put all the pieces together as far as products, process, styling tips etc.

Alright guys, I could keep going but Im going to stop there lol. Stay tuned to find out exactly what I've been using and different styles I achieved with these products.

Thanks for taking the time to read and i'll see you on the next post!



  1. Yay! Thanks for the love! So excited to be working with you again!!!!

  2. I love this post so honest! I'm going to try the products for my hair. I straightened my hair and need to go back to the basics for my hair care so I won't feel the need to. Postpartum did a number on me and I want to begin my little ones hair journey off right.
