Thursday, December 17, 2015

Crowned Curlies "5 Reasons Your Child's Hair Is Not Growing."

Hey guys! A short while ago I came across an Instagram page by the name of @crowned_curlies. They had an interesting series of posts titled "5 Reasons Your Child's Hair Is Not Growning." I thought they were quite informative so I decided to share it with you all...enjoy! 

Fruits and veggies are mandatory in my home.

1. Your kiddies diet- Yes this is correct! A diet rich in iron, zinc, vitamin D, protein, omega 3, and biotin wIll surely give a boost to your child's hair growth. Remember the saying "You are what you eat!" Good foods = Good hair + skin= a Good you! 

Amaya's LOC method
2. No moisture- It can't be stressed enough....WATER is the best moisturizer for hair. That means inward and outward. Make sure your child is getting enough water throughout the day. Have some type of moisturizing schedule in place, whether it be once a week or every other depends on your child. The best moisture method is LOC (liquid, oil, cream). This will help lock in moisture and improve shine.
(For more details see my previous post titled The LOC method)

Amaya and StoryLynn in their satin bonnets via

3. Not protected- Yes we want to show off our children's lovely locks, but they need to be protected. Protection comes through protective styling, satin bonnets, silk or satin pillow cases and with the cold approaching, satin-lined wool hats. Elements from the atmosphere such as sun or dirt, can cause your child's hair not to reach its full potential.

Team scissors over here! LOL!

4. Trimming- Too much or not enough can both be a problem.  Of course by trimming too much you can't see how it's grown because it's constantly being cut. Not trimming enough can lead to split ends, which then rise up the hair shaft causing breakage. So get a trim routine in place, this can be extremely beneficial to your little ones.

The difference in her hair texture after going 2 years with no heat!

5. Too much heat- There is nothing wrong with heat to hair, but too much can be harmful. The constant use of heat can cause a permanent change in the hairs structure. One it's been changed the only way to get your child's curl pattern back, will be to cut it. Try using heat protectants and air drying the hair. this is a sure way to reduce the risk of damage.

-Crowned Curlies Team

*Special thanks to the Crowned Curlies team for allowing me to share their post. Be sure to follow them on Instagram (@crowned_curlies) for style inspiration, giveaways, and more helpful tips for your little ones hair!


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