Thursday, January 29, 2015

Allow me to reintroduce myself..

Hello all and welcome to my blog! (I cant believe I actually have a blog lol) I'm sure that most of you have found me through Instagram but for those who haven't let me give you little background info.
My name is Kami (@kams_kodaks) and I am the mother of a 7yr old named Amaya (@curlygirl__Amaya). I have been documenting our natural hair journeys for quite some time now via IG, and I've gained quite a few CURLfriends (I hate to say followers) along the way. My daughter's first page was deleted at 9k and I lost a lot of valuable info that I had shared with the world. I created this blog so that I could have a safe space to deliver my message, along with any other randomness that pops into my head, without the fear of being flagged or deleted again. I never really planned on being an inspiration to anyone so the overwhelming response to my #TeachYourDaughters message was quite a shock. I love when someone tells me that something I posted helped them because that's what I love to lol.
I'm not sure where this journey is going to take us, but I'm learning to embrace the opportunities that it has presented to me. I hope that this blog can provide a space for me to share a little more of myself as well as my daughter. Thanks for stopping through and I hope that you enjoy reading what I have to say.
P.S. Bear with me as I figure out this whole blog business. Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome. I want this to be OUR blog, not just my blog. I'm not doing this to be the biggest or the best, and I promise to always give you guys the truth. Stay tuned... <3 Kam