Thursday, December 17, 2015

Crowned Curlies "5 Reasons Your Child's Hair Is Not Growing."

Hey guys! A short while ago I came across an Instagram page by the name of @crowned_curlies. They had an interesting series of posts titled "5 Reasons Your Child's Hair Is Not Growning." I thought they were quite informative so I decided to share it with you all...enjoy! 

Fruits and veggies are mandatory in my home.

1. Your kiddies diet- Yes this is correct! A diet rich in iron, zinc, vitamin D, protein, omega 3, and biotin wIll surely give a boost to your child's hair growth. Remember the saying "You are what you eat!" Good foods = Good hair + skin= a Good you! 

Amaya's LOC method
2. No moisture- It can't be stressed enough....WATER is the best moisturizer for hair. That means inward and outward. Make sure your child is getting enough water throughout the day. Have some type of moisturizing schedule in place, whether it be once a week or every other depends on your child. The best moisture method is LOC (liquid, oil, cream). This will help lock in moisture and improve shine.
(For more details see my previous post titled The LOC method)

Amaya and StoryLynn in their satin bonnets via

3. Not protected- Yes we want to show off our children's lovely locks, but they need to be protected. Protection comes through protective styling, satin bonnets, silk or satin pillow cases and with the cold approaching, satin-lined wool hats. Elements from the atmosphere such as sun or dirt, can cause your child's hair not to reach its full potential.

Team scissors over here! LOL!

4. Trimming- Too much or not enough can both be a problem.  Of course by trimming too much you can't see how it's grown because it's constantly being cut. Not trimming enough can lead to split ends, which then rise up the hair shaft causing breakage. So get a trim routine in place, this can be extremely beneficial to your little ones.

The difference in her hair texture after going 2 years with no heat!

5. Too much heat- There is nothing wrong with heat to hair, but too much can be harmful. The constant use of heat can cause a permanent change in the hairs structure. One it's been changed the only way to get your child's curl pattern back, will be to cut it. Try using heat protectants and air drying the hair. this is a sure way to reduce the risk of damage.

-Crowned Curlies Team

*Special thanks to the Crowned Curlies team for allowing me to share their post. Be sure to follow them on Instagram (@crowned_curlies) for style inspiration, giveaways, and more helpful tips for your little ones hair!


Friday, October 30, 2015

How To: Hair Porosity Test

Instead of finding someone who has the same "hair type" as you, look for someone who has the same hair porosity. As I stated in the previous post, knowing your porosity, among other things like density and texture, is a better way to find out what products can work for your hair.

Hair porosity visual via

There are many ways to test this, but the easiest I've found is the “floating hair test".

1.) Take a few strands of your (clean) hair and drop them into a clear container of water.

2.) Let them sit for a few minutes, it shouldn't take longer than 2 or 3.

If you hair is floating on or near the top of the water, you have low porosity. If your hair is sinking, you have high porosity. If it's just hanging out in the middle then your hair is normal porosity. 

Now that you know your hair porosity you're going to have to do a little research. I would suggest looking up the characteristics that are common for your hair porosity. Remember...YOU know YOUR hair better than anyone, Read everything, take what applies, and leave the rest. This natural thing isn't as complicated as it seems. ;) 

**Genetics, diet, and care are a few things that play a major roll in growth and retention.Having the same density, texture, and porosity as another natural does not guarantee the same results.

Hair Typing- Harmful or Helpful??

 Most of you may know that I have NEVER been a fan of hair typing. What may have started off as something that was meant to be helpful, has turned into one of the biggest sources for confusion when it comes to natural hair. Lets just say you're newly natural. After seeing a few people mention hair typing you do a google search to find out more. 

This is just a small example of what you'll see...

 Yes, thats right. Numbers, letters, illustrations, charts and a bunch of other mess! Furthermore, the hair typing of today really just tells you whose hair has the same "look" as yours. I've ran into plenty of women with curls that look just like mine, it doesn't mean that we'll have the same regimen, products, or growth retention.

Amaya's Hair Type

After being asked so many times I've decided to give you guys a more detailed way to "type" you hair. Knowing these things will help you to pick the right products and methods to establish a healthy hair regimen.



When you ask "how do I get her hair to lay so smooth?" The answer is because her hair is fine in texture ( strands feel smooth vs. rough or "coarse" when you run them through your fingers.) Fine hair is fragile and easier to damage. It can't take high heat or very heavy styling products. She never experienced the "baby balding" but that common area is where her hair grows more coarse. Idk why lol, most hair is multi textured though.


 Density refers to the number of strands on your head. Amaya has a lot of strands, which grow close together making her hair thick. A common misconception about black hair is that because it's thick, it must be coarse. Also the whole "put it in one ponytail" thing is more work than an actual style when it comes to thick hair lol.


Porosity refers to the way moisture flows in and out if your hair shaft. Her hair is normal porosity and very forgiving. She doesn't need weekly DC sessions and I usually moisturize every 3-4 days. Need to find your porosity? See How To-Hair Porosity Test

 I hope this helps you guys, and feel free to add to this or ask about anything you don't understand. I'm not holding any secrets when I don't name products or tell you her "hair type". I just don't want to lead you guys the wrong way, and its a lot more to it than a number and a letter. Everything I know, I taught myself through reading and research. I always encourage you guys to do the same.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Products-Natural Kids Rock Too!

Hey guys! Im back to tell you about the awesome product line I've fallen love with. (s/n I need a nickname for you the Beyhive LOL!)

You've been waiting long enough so Im going to get right to it.

The line that I love, and have been using exclusively goes by the name of ...*drumroll please* 

"Natural Kids Rock Too"

I know there are a million people pushing products right now, but I think this brand is different because the actually CARE which seems to be a rare thing. I'm going to do a quick breakdown of my staples from this line, and I'll also make a separate post where i let you all know which products i used for her most recent style. Like I always say, 'Its the process, not the products" but when you find one that compliments the other, its a beautiful thing. In the end everyone's hair is different but I think that this line can work for everyone based off of the ingredients alone.

Fudge Pop Shampoo Bar: 
Perfect the way it is. Love the lather it gives and how it makes the hair feel clean but not stripped. It seems like it last forever and there's less waste. Very easy to use and makes cleaning her scalp a breeze.

Berry Conditioner
Can you say SLIP?! Smell and consistency is great as well. I'm so tempted to use it as a leave in lol.

CoConutty Oil: 
By far my favorite thing! I have been raving about this to anyone who is close to me. I've had my eye on that Parachute for a while but i was super skeptical because all of my personal experiences with coconut oil haven't been good. My hair loves it, her hair loves it..softness, shine..I could go on and on. 

Strawberry Jammy & Strawberry Pudding
 -Strawberry Jam & Pudding: Okay I decided to do these together because theyre kind of the same.but different lol. I think the jam is great for fly aways, edges and sleek styles though I could use it for a twistout too. The strawberry pudding could be the same but I prefer to use this for twistouts, braidouts and refreshing.Idid add the Pudding to a spray bottle with water and a little CCN oil and its a great refresher..doesn't feel heavy or add any buildup throughout the week.

 Once I start to post different styles ive done I think people will see the difference in the two products. For example, I used water, oil, then the pudding for her twists. When doing her twistout 4 days later I used the Jam to go back and smooth her edges and I pulled the front into a top knot. 

If you guys want to try the products I've put together a few things to get you started. Pictured below are 2 box sets based off of my favorites so far.

Amayas Little Rock Box (Sample size)

Amaya's Curly Girl Box

You can purchase either of these boxes by visiting Feel free to use my code "AmayaRocks" to get free shipping! 

Once again THANK YOU to everyone who has been on this journey with me so far. Im very excited to share which products I use for which styles and how this line has made my routine so much easier. 

NEXT UP ON THE BLOG; CGA goes straight-After almost 3 years I finally applied heat. Stay tuned!!

Sorry For The Wait- The Testimony

Return of The Fake Blogger

Hey guys! Long time, no blog lol. Some things have changed but for the most part I've been up to the same thing..."all my life I had to detangle." The reason I decided to relaunch the blog is because I have finally found the products that compliment the process. If you all have been following me on IG, you'll know that I am a self proclaimed "anti-product junkie" so the fact that I'm now sharing these products should let you know just how much I like them, but first let me rewind a bit.

At the beginning of 2015, I was quite frustrated with the state of the natural hair community. I felt like it was turning into one big business opportunity for people who didn't really care about the consumer, just the money they would make. Listen, I NEVER want to be that person. If I put my or my daughters name on something then I stand behind it 100%!  I told myself "I want to partner with a small business, someone who  cares and makes quality products with quality ingredients. Now I don't know the way y'all faith is set up, but lo and behold God sent a woman my way who had a company with exactly those things. This wasn't just a "use my products and tell people you do" type relationship. I was able to give feedback on how I used the products, how they worked on her hair, and different things to do that could improve the overall line.

Fast forward; I was using the products exclusively on Amayas hair with great results. I documented on IG as well as some of my older blog posts what and how I was using on the products. I was more than happy to finally find one line that did everything I needed. Then news came that the company needed a new mixologist. Some products were unavailable while this transition happened and to my disappointment I had to go back to using other things. During this time I was approached my several companies about review their products and becoming a brand rep. After trying out quite a few things I just wasn't sold on being "the face" of any of those products.

By this time I had stopped making blog posts and was mainly just posting  pics on IG. I shy'd away from what I knew best which was educating others on how to have healthy hair. I was starting to feel like my message of "Teach Your Daughters" was getting lost and all people wanted to know was how did it get long and what did I use to get it to grow #sideye lol. I had all but given up on the search for that "one line" that I could use...#ButGod.

Ok, ok I'm getting to the point lol. I hadn't been keeping up with the company I was using, but I did see that she had worked out the mixologist issue. I was happy for her, but didn't think I was still on her radar because quite some time had passed and the products had become more popular. One day I received a comment saying "You're new package is on the way" or something like that lol. Now in the land of Instagram people can make all type of promises that never happen so I didn't know if she was serious or not and I let it slip to the back of my mind. One Saturday about a month or so ago, much to my surprise and delight I received the package that she had promised. I was super excited to see what changes were made and if everything still worked for Amayas hair. After an impromptu wash day, I WAS SOLD! I wont go into product details on this post but just know I was pleased enough that I reached out to them and ASKED to be brand rep. I'm so excited to finally be able to put all the pieces together as far as products, process, styling tips etc.

Alright guys, I could keep going but Im going to stop there lol. Stay tuned to find out exactly what I've been using and different styles I achieved with these products.

Thanks for taking the time to read and i'll see you on the next post!


Sunday, March 22, 2015

High bun Pictorial

4 Steps To A Quick and Easy Bun

Who doesn't love a bun lol? It's quick, easy, low manipulation and there's so many different ways you can do them. In a previous post I showed you guys 5 quick buns that I've done with her hair. No matter how they end up, I usually use the same steps to achieve each one. This post will walk-you through the process, and the products, of a simple high bun.

Step 1
*Spray hair with water and aloe vera mix
*Apply "Strawberry Custard Moisturizer" to scalp only
*Smooth "Bigger Is Butter" whipped shea over the length of her hair
**Throughout this process I use my hands to separate and lightly finger detangle her hair.
In the above picture you'll see that her hair is stretched from a previous bun. For the 3-5 days that she wears a bun I'll usually give her hair a quick spray at night and re bun in the morning. Now that I am creating a new style I take the time to FULLY refresh her hair.

Step 2
Smooth & Secure
With this much hair, achieving a smooth ponytail can take almost just as much time as any other style. I use the hair bean to start the process of getting her hair in the direction I want. Then I follow up with a hard bristle brush to smooth the outer layer . If her hair starts to dry out during the process I just give it a quick spray. Lastly I use a no snag hair elastic to secure the ponytail where I want it. For a high bun I try to line up the pony with the the top of her ear.

Step 3
Section & Twist
At this point you can be creative. I chose to do two large twists, but you can do a single twist, braids of different sizes, or even leave the hair loose for more volume in your bun. Notice her hair isn't completely tangle free or super smooth. I think her buns look better when they have a little texture.

Step 4
Wrap & Pin
Just like step 3, there is no "right way" to do this part. I usually play around with wrapping the twists in different directions until I'm satisfied. A few bobby pins keep everything in place and WALAH-there you have it, a simple and cute high bun! 
**For sleek, laid edges I  use a bit more of the whipped shea along with a little water, then tie on a satin scarf for 10-15 minutes.

Products & Tools

*Aloe Vera juice
*Strawberry Custard for Girls
*Bigger Is Butter (whipped shea butter)

*Hair Bean
*Hard bristle brush
*No snag hair elastics
*Bobby pins

Friday, February 13, 2015

Protective Styles-BUN life

5 Easy Bun Styles.

One of my favorite styles is the bun. It's quick, easy, and there's so many different ways you can do them. Buns are also a great low manipulation/protective style to keep your ends tucked away, especially if you're currently experiencing freezing temperatures like me #sadface lol. Below I'll show you 5 of my recent favorites, along with a few tips that I always use when doing this style.

Simple, twisted bun.
Braided high bun.

*Adding small cornrows along her hairline not only helps the style last longer, but also eases tension along her hairline.

Low braided bun w/ clip accessory.

Half  and half. Twisted top knot bun w/braidout

*Using an accessory like a clip or headband is always a nice touch. Half up/half down styles are always super cute too!


Sleek, twisted side bun.

*I rarely use gel when doing buns. To achieve a nice, smooth, finished look I tie a satin scarf around her hair for about 10-15 minutes.

Thank you for taking a look at some of my favorite buns. I hope the tips provided will help if you decide try your version of any these styles. 

Be on the look out for my next post where I will do a "High Bun Pictorial" which includes the general 'step by step process' and products used on all of the buns pictured. :)

Sneak Peak: High Bun

Monday, February 9, 2015

The "L.O.C. method"

I get a lot of questions about dry hair or keeping hair moisturized in general, and I always tell people about the LOC method. This method was one of the first things I learned about in regards to natural hair care, and has been instrumental in keep Amaya's hair moisturized.

Each letter in the acronym stands for a different step in the method. When done correctly the LOC method can help to lock moisture in the hair longer, preventing breakage and aiding in length retention.

L.O.C. (L-Liquid O-Oil C-Cream) Method
 Below I will list some of my favorite things to use when doing the LOC method.
12-17-15 UPDATE-Products highlighetd in red are still used as part of my current regimen.
To see updated LOCmethod picture and products click The LOC method via Instagram
  • WATER!! Water is thee ONLY true moisturizer so I always start with wet hair.
  • Aloe Vera Juice. Great for itchy scalp, dandruff. Promotes shine and strength.
  • Strawberry Custard (now Strawberry Pudding) for girls via @naturalkidsrocktoo. Great WATER based moisturizer which also includes ingredients like aloe, jojoba, avocado, castor, argan and glycerin. I love to mix this with water in a spray bottle for daily/nightly refreshing of her ends.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Crisco. Yes, that Crisco lol. It's just a mix of soybean and palm oil. The consistency is perfect for her long, thick hair. I use this as the 'C' sometimes as well.
  • CoCoNutty Oil via @naturalkidsrocktoo Some of the ingredients are Organic coconut oil, organic burdock root,  and organic lavendar. While my hair hates anything with coconut, her hair eats it up!
  • Tresemme Conditioner. I actually haven't used the Tresemme recently, but it was my go to for at least a year. I wanted to start to use an actual leave in for her hair vs a rinse out conditioner because, that's what they're made for lol. 
  • Giovanni Direct Leave-In. I saw this product being suggested by quite a few people I trust but was hesitant to switch because of the bottle size/price ratio. I'm happy to say I'm glad I gave it a shot because it is the BOOOMB! 
  • Bigger Is Butter via @naturalkidsrocktoo. I always thought it was weird when people said they thought about eating certain products..until I received this one! Whipped cocoa and shea butter, JBCO, jojoba oil, avocado oil to name a few make for a nice, creamy consistency that not only smells great, but adds softness for days.

  After using this method on wash days, I also mix the same products in a spray bottle for refreshing and touch-ups throughout the week. How often you do the LOC method is strictly up to you and what you think your hair needs.You may see some people use the LCO methodLOCO method or several other variations and that's fine. Its all about finding what works for your hair and sticking to it. Thanks for stopping by, I hope the information provided was helpful in your natural hair journey!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Allow me to reintroduce myself..

Hello all and welcome to my blog! (I cant believe I actually have a blog lol) I'm sure that most of you have found me through Instagram but for those who haven't let me give you little background info.
My name is Kami (@kams_kodaks) and I am the mother of a 7yr old named Amaya (@curlygirl__Amaya). I have been documenting our natural hair journeys for quite some time now via IG, and I've gained quite a few CURLfriends (I hate to say followers) along the way. My daughter's first page was deleted at 9k and I lost a lot of valuable info that I had shared with the world. I created this blog so that I could have a safe space to deliver my message, along with any other randomness that pops into my head, without the fear of being flagged or deleted again. I never really planned on being an inspiration to anyone so the overwhelming response to my #TeachYourDaughters message was quite a shock. I love when someone tells me that something I posted helped them because that's what I love to lol.
I'm not sure where this journey is going to take us, but I'm learning to embrace the opportunities that it has presented to me. I hope that this blog can provide a space for me to share a little more of myself as well as my daughter. Thanks for stopping through and I hope that you enjoy reading what I have to say.
P.S. Bear with me as I figure out this whole blog business. Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome. I want this to be OUR blog, not just my blog. I'm not doing this to be the biggest or the best, and I promise to always give you guys the truth. Stay tuned... <3 Kam