Friday, October 30, 2015

Hair Typing- Harmful or Helpful??

 Most of you may know that I have NEVER been a fan of hair typing. What may have started off as something that was meant to be helpful, has turned into one of the biggest sources for confusion when it comes to natural hair. Lets just say you're newly natural. After seeing a few people mention hair typing you do a google search to find out more. 

This is just a small example of what you'll see...

 Yes, thats right. Numbers, letters, illustrations, charts and a bunch of other mess! Furthermore, the hair typing of today really just tells you whose hair has the same "look" as yours. I've ran into plenty of women with curls that look just like mine, it doesn't mean that we'll have the same regimen, products, or growth retention.

Amaya's Hair Type

After being asked so many times I've decided to give you guys a more detailed way to "type" you hair. Knowing these things will help you to pick the right products and methods to establish a healthy hair regimen.



When you ask "how do I get her hair to lay so smooth?" The answer is because her hair is fine in texture ( strands feel smooth vs. rough or "coarse" when you run them through your fingers.) Fine hair is fragile and easier to damage. It can't take high heat or very heavy styling products. She never experienced the "baby balding" but that common area is where her hair grows more coarse. Idk why lol, most hair is multi textured though.


 Density refers to the number of strands on your head. Amaya has a lot of strands, which grow close together making her hair thick. A common misconception about black hair is that because it's thick, it must be coarse. Also the whole "put it in one ponytail" thing is more work than an actual style when it comes to thick hair lol.


Porosity refers to the way moisture flows in and out if your hair shaft. Her hair is normal porosity and very forgiving. She doesn't need weekly DC sessions and I usually moisturize every 3-4 days. Need to find your porosity? See How To-Hair Porosity Test

 I hope this helps you guys, and feel free to add to this or ask about anything you don't understand. I'm not holding any secrets when I don't name products or tell you her "hair type". I just don't want to lead you guys the wrong way, and its a lot more to it than a number and a letter. Everything I know, I taught myself through reading and research. I always encourage you guys to do the same.

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