Friday, October 30, 2015

How To: Hair Porosity Test

Instead of finding someone who has the same "hair type" as you, look for someone who has the same hair porosity. As I stated in the previous post, knowing your porosity, among other things like density and texture, is a better way to find out what products can work for your hair.

Hair porosity visual via

There are many ways to test this, but the easiest I've found is the “floating hair test".

1.) Take a few strands of your (clean) hair and drop them into a clear container of water.

2.) Let them sit for a few minutes, it shouldn't take longer than 2 or 3.

If you hair is floating on or near the top of the water, you have low porosity. If your hair is sinking, you have high porosity. If it's just hanging out in the middle then your hair is normal porosity. 

Now that you know your hair porosity you're going to have to do a little research. I would suggest looking up the characteristics that are common for your hair porosity. Remember...YOU know YOUR hair better than anyone, Read everything, take what applies, and leave the rest. This natural thing isn't as complicated as it seems. ;) 

**Genetics, diet, and care are a few things that play a major roll in growth and retention.Having the same density, texture, and porosity as another natural does not guarantee the same results.

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